Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween in Livermore

Here we are at our annual Spooky Halloween Dinner. There were choices of Brains on Ice, West Nile Virus with lice and ticks, Guacamoldy and Creature Chips, Tarantula Tacos, and Pumpkinpoonasties. We all had fun eating these scary Halloween dishes.

Connor was the heroic Robin Hood.

Haley, Amber, and Jenna.

You can tell Connor just LOVES Halloween.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Propostion 8

Jenna and Laura

On Saturday we went out for a couple hours to hold up proposition 8 signs. We got a lot of positive feedback but also the occasional scorns, flip-off, and name calling. We had a lot of fun being together and standing for truth and righteousness.

Haley and Keith

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Surfing in Santa Cruz

Here Keith and the kids are about to head out on their surfing adventure.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Jenna's 8th Grade Graduation

Here Jenna is giving her sassy smirk before heading out to her Graduation. We are pround of her accomplishments and enjoyed this exciting event.