Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Personal Stylist

Jenna is my personal and professional hairdresser. If you know me well, you know that I don't spend much time on my hair. I have never learned to straighten or use a roller brush, so it is wonderful to have Jenna to do it for me.

With Jenna's Beauty Salon and Haley's Massages, I think that I'll look and feel better in the coming years. .It's wonderful to be pampered by such talented daughters.

Last Day of Spring Break

Connor Keeps with Mills Tradition

Connor keeps the Mills tradition of digging very deep holes while at the beach. This one went down nearly five feet and finally hit water. All the kids at the beach came to play in it, and we hope that the high tide fills it in before the life guard jeep finds it.

At the Beach Again " It can't get much better than this!"

Keith and Shaun enjoyed surfing together for
the first time in two years.It's been along time
since Shaun has been at a California beach with

The day was beautiful and the waves were wild.
Haley, Jenna and Shaun are heading out to catch
some waves together.

Spring Break in California

Connor and I rode this ride until we could barely walk!

The Merry Go Round was a must especially since this one is a double-decker.

The Easter Bunny Found Us Again!

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny made his visit to Royal Ann Drive, and everyone was excited about their treats. All the kids slept in, even Connor. I guess the days of Easter Dawn Patrols are over.
Haley was the last to find her basket and Connor needed a little help since the Easter Bunny hid his in the dryer.