Friday, December 4, 2009

Riley's Homecoming Talk

Golden Gate Bridge

We enjoyed walking across the Golden Gate Bridge and watching the sun set.

Fort Point

Here we are at Fort Point, under the Golden Gate Bridge.

This has always been our favorite place to play hide and seek.


We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa at the Exploritorium in San Fransisco!

Thanksgiving Fun

Early Thanksgiving morning we headed out for our traditional Thanksgiving hike.

Here we are on the top of Coyote Hills with the bay behind us.

When the boys where little we spent hours exploring here.

Here we are with Kelly and Joleen's family. It's great to have such wonderful traditions.

The hike always get the kids and adults ready for the feasting marathon to come.

This year Edna stayed home to keep and eye on the Turkey and last minute preparations.

Connor is being beaten up by his brother and Uncle. He must like it because he keeps coming back for more.

A Family Visit to Costco

Mom and Dad treated us to a great lunch at Costco. Dad and Riley enjoyed at least a 1/2 a cup of onions on their dogs. Mom and I ate our share of relish. The company and conversation was the best.

Riley and Shaun topped the meal off with a mega serving of ice cream.

Riley is enjoying being home from his mission and we are loving every minute he is with us.