Shaun couldn't quite figure the rolling saddle out. Maybe he wanted to use it as his chair. Latter we found out that you have to sit on the saddle while they sing you Happy Birthday. Guess what Shaun will be doing on July 6yh.
Jenna is all smiles as she waits for her steak. I was the only one munching on the bucket of peanuts, it must be the Sherman Butter in me. I couldn't bring myself to throw the shells on the floor as tradition permits.
Riley and Connor are the dynamic duo this summer.
Once Riley is home from work, Connor doesn't let him out of his 'sight.
All the guys are sporting the Hawaiian shirts we brought back from Riley's graduation.
Riley was in the mood for biscuits and gravy, this chicken fried steak was a good substitute.
I think that Riley has to be full by now after eating everything on his plate along with Connor's fries and around 10 rolls.
Jenna's braces are off, but mine are still on. It's a good thing I
hadn't eaten yet or I couldn't have posted this picture, there would
have been more than my teeth showing.
Keith is hooked on his new smart phone.
He was checking the weather, reading us interesting news reports and doing a number of other things with it throughout the meal. I think I might have him leave it home next time.
We are on our way home after a fun night together.