Thursday, March 11, 2010

Disneyland Fun

Indiana Jones was amazing. Connor drove our jeep and got us around and through all the dangers without injury. We humored Keith and went on the Small World ride for the first time in many years. I think we were all relieved that we could sit a rest while we floated through the never ending chorus of "It's a small World."

Connors favorite ride was the new Buzz Lightyear arcade. It was an amazingly fun ride. We went through so many times, our arms were sore from shooting the targets.

When the kids were little, we literally ran from ride to ride, pushing strollers and hanging on to hands. We always were there when the gates opened and stayed until the lights went out. This trip went at a much slower pace and everyone was ready to head home before the park closed. We even had time to stop and enjoy the scenery. What's going on?

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