Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Family Hike at Caswell State Park

Here we are hiking in the area of the New Hope Colony about 10 minutes from our home. In 1846, 20 Mormon pioneers from the ship Brooklyn arrived in the valley and built a settlement, later known as Stanislaus City. They planted wheat, built houses a saw mill and a Ferry. Unfortunately, the river overflowed that winter and made life miserable. Slowly the group disbanded; some returning to Utah, others seeking gold and moving elsewhere.
Here is Haley overlooking the Stanislaus River on a bike trip we took later that same day.

Connor and I are ready to start our hike along the Stanislaus River, but first we had to swing back and forth on this gate for fun.
Haley was the photographer on our trip and here is her self portrait. She was also our fearless leader and found the way back through the maze of paths, twists and turns without any problem. Both Keith and I need a GPS to get anywhere and were thankful to have her along.

The river and woods were beautiful. There was also a great deal of poison ivy we had to stay clear of. There were hidden animals rustling through the bushes and birds singing from the trees. We were the only people around which made the hike magical.

1 comment:

Forwards Fun! said...

A friend and I drove through this park sometime ago and it looked really bad . . . but it looks pretty nice here. I'll have to check it out.